
2 min read

Deviation Actions

Botosani-Club's avatar
:bulletred:Reguli privind trimiterea pozelor in galerie::bulletred:

1.Va rog sa trimiteti pozele numai in  foldere mentionate de mai jos.
2.Sunt acceptate doar pozele din municipiul Botosani. Aici ma refer strict la poze care reprezinta Botosani si altor localitati ce fac parte din judetul Botosani.
3.Nu acceptam planuri, schite, afise, si tot felul de poze macro care nu au nici o legatura cu Botosani.
4.Nu acceptam poze cu tema sexuala, violenta sau nuduri.
5.Acceptam poze ce contin datini din judet, precum Pastele si Craciunul.

Vreau sa fac cunoscuta acest grup, sa promovez judetul Botosani si alte localitati. Locurile din judet sunt minunate pentru cei care nu au vizitat judetul :).
Aici puteti gasi lista cu…
Incalcarea regulilor duce la ban sau respingerea fotografia necorespunzatoare.


:bulletred:Rules in submitting pictures in gallery::bulletred:

1.Please submit photos only in folders listed below.
2.Are only accepted photos from Botosani city. I refer here only to pictures that is about Botosani and other places that are part of Botosani.
3.We do not accept plans, sketches, posters, and all sorts of macro photos that have nothing to do with Botosani.
4.We do not accept photos with theme sexual violence/gore or nudity.
5.We accept photos that contain traditions in the county, such as Easter and Christmas.

I want this group to be known,promote Botosani and other localities. The places from this county are great for those who have not visited yet.:).
Here you can find list of…
Breaking the rules leads to ban or reject inappropriate picture.
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